My speculation is that the attorney had to admit that the FDS for all intents and purposes = GB.
Can't wait for more info. Thanks for sharing what you've got, Barbara!
this is a preliminary summary only.
i hope to obtain more details later.. .
all five cases are still within the criminal justice system.
My speculation is that the attorney had to admit that the FDS for all intents and purposes = GB.
Can't wait for more info. Thanks for sharing what you've got, Barbara!
hi, everyone my name is becky i've been in and out of the organization it wasnt untill 2 years ago i finally put a end to going at all and havent been back was so hard cause i have family in it and was grown up with those thoughts and rules way of life i guess you call head is still in confusion most of the time.i'm currently going to a baptist church and i love it just when witnesess are brought up it upsets me even though it shouldnt cause i'm no long going to it.i feel like i dont know who to believe anymore or what is even good to read anymore.i'm on facebook alot and see alot of things on there but dont know the right people to talk to on there either about it,so i found this here.i'm 33 years old and dont think i should be struggling with such a thing but wow it is hard to get out of your head.i like reading the bible but sometimes i dont understand what is being said which is why the watchtowers i thought helped me but im finding they didnt i guess,yep confused as ever...
Crisis of Conscience and Combating Cult Mind Control are two of THE BEST books for clearing up any confusion about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was raised in it, too, and didn't leave until I was in my 40s. It's never too late. You can do it.
apologies if already discussed - the second cos talk discusses 4 "important" areas where jws need to consider the biblical principles involved.. answers on a postcode ( clue - one word - 2 letters - 1st letter is "n" ).
should a true christian?:.
(1) use a social networking website.
Any question posed by the Borg that starts with "Should a true Christian" is always answered, NO!
Awesome, Found Sheep. My wife and I still hope to meet with you one day soon, too.
editors note:richard j. mouw is president of fuller theological seminary, an evangelical school in pasadena, california.. by richard j. mouw, special to cnn.
some prominent evangelical pastors have been telling their constituents not to support mitt romneys bid for the presidential nomination.
Evidently evangelicals like to define words a lot like the Borg does. If you have established schools, colleges, or universities and have a lot in common with evangelicals then you're automagically not a cult, according to this clown.
Jeez, is it any wonder some people look upon all religions as dangerous cults?
the recent & surprising developments in the uk and australia got me thinking..... the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is nothing if not arrogant.
they consider themselves "god's channel of communication", stopping just short of claiming divine inspiration.
they believe that they and they alone are the masters of "christ's belongings" and are answerable only to him.. the watchtower society's legal department carefully crafts gb decisions so as not to put the watchtower society's assets or prestige as risk.
The Governing Body has given no indication that THEY do any significant Bible interpretation, either, though they reserve that right. What's actually new in the last ten years or so, doctrinally? The only new light doctrinal changes were pretty much forced on them by the passage of time: ditching the 1935 anointing cutoff date, overlapping generation, and??? The other changes have all been legalistic things.
For the most part, this Governing Body is a status quo maintainer, and I think there are a couple reasons for that. One, they believe the doctrines they were believed when they were indoctrinated and will not entertain the possibility that it's all wrong. Two, nobody on the body has the gravitas among his peers to influence any real change anyway and so even if there is the occasional effort to do so, no real reform ever comes.
As for whether the Governing Body runs the lawyers and corporations, I don't think they do, officially. There is no apparent legal connection (that I know of) between the many corporations of the Watchtower and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. The religion is separate from the business, officially, and as such the businesses are under no compulsion to do anything the religion says - other than due to cult control influences. The leaders of the corporations are all JWs and as such can be DFd at the whim of the GB. Therefore they have to keep the GB appeased. The ONLY way a corporate head like Don Adams could overrule the GB is if he had the full support of all his underlings. Without that, the GB could easily DF him and he'd be powerless to get anyone else in the corporation to do anything - and there is probably a clause in all the corporate officers' job descriptions that they must remain a JW in good standing to hold their office.
But as has been stated by many, this is educated guessing and speculation. We won't know for sure the current state inside the Borg until another insider defects and leaks info.
Any high level WT insider lurking here - if you want to defect from the Borg and spill the beans on the entire operation I'm sure there are people here with a spare room for you to crash in until you get on your feet. Us apostates are kind and loving that way. :-)
my cousin passed away last week from cancer at the age of 49. the cancer spread so fast it took our family by surpise.
we figured she had a couple of years instead of months.
she left 4 children(3 were baptised and 1 was disfellowshipped a couple of years ago).
What I find saddest is that he let them.
The Borg middle management is in for a HUGE surprise if they try pushing me around when any relative of mine passes away.
my husband, alanf, started collecting jw literature about 20 years ago when he began his indepth research into the religion.
his collection includes just about everything the society has ever published, from books and magazines down to booklets, pamphlets, and handbills.
some pieces are quite rare.
I'll send you a PM. I'm interested in a few specific things.
i was thinking about how inefective the ministry really is, no matter how often one goes to a householder's door for years.. they just never bite the bate, yet the jw will keep going back.. jw's are clueless.
they need to know the signs the hhs give them.. it reminds me of that book he's just not that into you..
The door to door works exactly as much as the Borg wants it to. They don't want huge influx of members. If they did they would use more effective methods of recruitment. Door to door isn't totally ineffective but relative to just about every other method possible it pretty much sucks.
a clip from the british bbc/irish rte co-produced comedy show "mrs. brown's boys".
admittedly it features the mormons, but i'm sure we all can think of another barking mad bunch who fit the bill just as well.
possibly a technique to try next time your saturday morning is interrupted?.
"A lot of the Bible is made up. They had to. Otherwise it'd be only a pamphlet."
"Son we had two hamsters for a month and they nearly shat out the house."